

It was just silly crap that hit the spot

Today was spent playing with my new Prison Dr. Evil and Mini-Me dolls, and smooshing my lips together to say "Kwiistin, Kwiistin, you member when you used to do dis in skooool?" Walking in a half dance with head phones on, head bopping, telling everyone how this is just it.

There was a little drawing of a heart, next to that, followed by an exclaimation mark

Kristin and I are now known as Laverne and Shirley on the company website. Complete with tacky pictures in awful sweaters. Thank you me.

And he left himself be drawn in

The new guy that started in our department today is one of the Hunchback Watchers. But, he looks a lot like... um... Dan.

I bet he smells good.

I bet he tastes good too.


You bring light in

I'm happy. And, I'm not even in love.

10.16.02 || 5:55 pm

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