
My neck! My back! My neck and my back!

It's the simple things I fuck up.

A simple trip to the store, turns into 5 minutes of picking up the coke cans that dropped all over the floor, rolled under carts, and ended up being smashed. Naturally, in an hour, when I reach into the fridge to grab one, I'll get the one that hasn't settled, and spray coke all over my kitchen floor.

I went to grab the dog's food dishes from the back yard, and just ate it. Fell right on my ass, mud every where, cracked my head on the ice, scraped my palms up.

I get inside and pick up my cat, who is obviously still mad at me. He turns his body around and takes two good swipes at my face.

I go to listen to the answering machine, can't hear the message, lean into the voice coming out of the speaker, and bash my forehead on the wall.

I called Kristin to tell her about the fall, because when I fall, it's never because of something. It's always complete lack of body control. (Here's her's)

She says, "Carie, don't go outside!"

"But, I have to take the garbage out."

"Be careful."

"Alright. I'll try not to kill myself between here and the garbage can outside."

Unfortunately, I got lucky and made it back.

12.11.02 || 3:45 pm

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