
Circles. And circles again.

This is one of those moments in which your life changes it's course because of a song. Where once you may have been happy, but now you've changed because you heard someone else speak the words for you.

You can keep the little bit of happiness inside, because it's going to move some time, when you find something else, but right now, you're singing again in the kitchen, at the top of your lungs when the line that called your name comes.

You push the time you said you'd get off back, and further, until you waste the entire day typing, and reading, finding, and marking.

This woman's voice continues to haunt you, even in sleep. Impossible so many people feel the same way you do when you make it back around, flip the disc, punch the buttons, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Adam says it best, Another pair of lips and eyes
And that's the consequence of actually feeling

Welcome to real life, where the stupidity of your past mistakes of falling in love are forever on repeat, the soundtrack continues to play, regardless of how you feel about it. There can be no silence, the CD player must fill it, because silence reminds you of all the years you spent with your ears closed, years spent not listening to other people's music. Things you didn't want to hear, you make the choice of what's playing in your house, though it feels always like the songs find you.

You're already in me
I'll be wearing your tattoo
I'm already in
Circles, and circles again
Got to stop spinning

We're all better live and in concert, analog prefered to digital, in places where the echo is off of hard wood floors.

01.26.03 || 11:27 am

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