

The only acceptable resolution was one we were not prepared to face. How could I ask you to come when I'm worse off than you. I'm trying not to hold my breath waiting for your declaration.

I miss you.

Still. The fact I have nothing makes wanting you here harder, being poor is easier when someone else is there being poor with you.

I miss you.

And you can't be scared when you're not alone.

I miss you.

I always feel better when you can use my words, because then I understand what you were trying to imply, that I was too dense to grasp.

I miss you.

If I had my wish back now, I know what I'd wish for, and I know you would come.

edited @ 2:01 pm - I linked you, then I deleted it, and then I linked you again. And finally, I deleted it. I think I want to keep you for myself.

02.04.03 || 1:32 pm

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