
A Gross Generalization.

Things I Couldn't Say In Montana* That I Can Say Here:

I hate George Bush. Both of them.

I hate country music.

I really wish you could all stop waving your mother fucking flags around like it could save you from something.

Eat some fucking veggies.

Use some conditioner.

It's not wrong to be gay. It's just different.

Quit preaching hate.

Wranglers DO NOT look good.

Think before you breed.

Just because you met in high school does not mean it's forever.

Cows belong behind fences.

We all bleed the same color. You racist fucks.

Pick up a book.


* I'm not saying everyone in Montana, I'm saying in general.

** This is not a comprehensive list. I reserve the right to edit later.

02.08.03 || 10:54 am

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