
Waxing Political.. You're not the boss of me.

I don't normally talk about my political views, I think I'm too uneducated on the subject to form a real opinion.

But, I feel pretty strongly about this. Key word there: feel.

At what point in time does the US decide that it's not anyone's Daddy? On what day does someone say, "Hey. Maybe, just maybe, we ought to let the UN take care of this." Or. "Hey. How 'bout we get out dick out of the Middle East?" Or. My favorite, "Since when did we become the center of the entire fucking universe?"

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Sixty-six percent of America thinks action against Iraq is a good idea. SIXTY FUCKING SIX! Did they take this poll in Florida?

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Seriously. I'm sick of walking around terrified I'm going to die from some kind of biological attack, a pipe bomb, or some other crazy that thinks they get to play God. I'm not ignorant enough to take the freedoms I have for granted, but I'm done being the victim to our disgusting media. It's disgusting. Sickening, really. Did you know you've completely warped my grandmother into believing a war is around the corner? Sure, she's not young, but she has just as much right to live without fear as everyone else.

And who's fucking brilliant idea was it to have a color coded "Terrorist Threat" meter? Should we have that broadcast on the bottom right corner with station identification? You know, so I know when to duct tape my windows shut with plastic sheeting, and to break out my gas mask. Don't you fucks know that my entire generation has been expecting shit like this to happen our ENTIRE LIVES?

I know I've said it before, and I'll say it 15 bazillion times until I die. And this Iraq thing just pushes every panic I've had built inside of me to the edge. I have escape plans in my head, of who I'm smuggling to a hide away to avoid a draft, and exactly where I'm going.

But then, in writing this, I've changed my mind. I just remembered a scene from Deep Impact, where a woman and her father stand on the beach, at the end, when the tidal wave hits, and they're both obviously wiped out.

I'm going out like that. Fuck waiting around for my skin to fall off, and my major organs to shut down. I'm going to walk right out into what ever it is, and die with some fucking dignity.

Because this country sure isn't showing us any.

02.10.03 || 6:03 pm

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