
You don't want to read this.

Time has been spent thinking it could never work, too many doors and windows shut. But now someone's opened one door, and you're suffering from too many decisions. Or, one major decision.

I know it's hard to take that leap in faith. Because that's what it is. And I'm sorry I have to be a factor into it, because it's a leap of faith into me, into my words. I see now how you feel, your only way through these.

This is it. This is the final blow. This is the cliff, and you know when you decide it's going to be the beginning or the end.

We could make it into less, if you wanted. We could make it casual, if that made you more comfortable.

I want to give you a guarantee, something that says it will all work out. But the only way you ever earn that is to take a jump and see for yourself. I can't say we'll be forever. I can't say you'll even like it here. I can't make you believe me, and that's what it would take for you to pack your bags and be here in a second. In a second.

I can't count the reasons why I think you should. I want to, I want to make a list so you have evidence. But sometimes even facts lie.

I know you have intuition. I know you have gut feelings, and reactions. And really, what you have to do is trust yourself. Have enough faith in yourself to know that what ever the outcome is, you will be fine, the band will be fine.

And trust. Trust that my motivtions are not what everyone else's would be, that I will never expect you to save me, that I'm not nearly as selfish as I would like. Trust yourself, in that you can make the right choice, or that you have made the right choice.

I would help you, because I never had any. Ever. Anything that you think you can't ask of me, I would gladly offer.

I know I miss you. And I know you miss me. And the fact that you're not here to watch the basketball game with me seems sillier than ever.

02.16.03 || 11:10 am

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